Loving Forgetfulness. Max Lucado.
“I will forgive their iniquity, and their sin I will remember no more.”
Jeremiah 31:34 NKJV
To love conditionally is against God’s nature. Just as it’s against your nature to eat trees and against mine to grow wings, it’s against God’s nature to remember forgiven sins.
You see, God is either the God of perfect grace…or he is not God. Grace forgets. Period. He who is perfect love cannot hold grudges. If he does, then he isn’t perfect love. And if he isn’t perfect love, you might as well put this book down and go fishing, because both of us are chasing fairy tales.
But I believe in His loving forgetfulness. And I believe He has a graciously terrible memory.
After I read this devotion today and I was struck by the fact that God is so altogether different to us. How often do we sit in judgment of another person and choose to love conditionally. Thank God that He doesn't .That He loves us just as we are and doesn't have conditions to His acceptance or continuing love of us.
We are all fallen humans. Let's choose to see each other as made in God's image and extend His grace to each other . If God can love us unconditionally then let's choose to do the same to each other.
Jeremiah 31:34 NKJV
To love conditionally is against God’s nature. Just as it’s against your nature to eat trees and against mine to grow wings, it’s against God’s nature to remember forgiven sins.
You see, God is either the God of perfect grace…or he is not God. Grace forgets. Period. He who is perfect love cannot hold grudges. If he does, then he isn’t perfect love. And if he isn’t perfect love, you might as well put this book down and go fishing, because both of us are chasing fairy tales.
But I believe in His loving forgetfulness. And I believe He has a graciously terrible memory.
After I read this devotion today and I was struck by the fact that God is so altogether different to us. How often do we sit in judgment of another person and choose to love conditionally. Thank God that He doesn't .That He loves us just as we are and doesn't have conditions to His acceptance or continuing love of us.
We are all fallen humans. Let's choose to see each other as made in God's image and extend His grace to each other . If God can love us unconditionally then let's choose to do the same to each other.
At 9:50 PM,
Brigitte said…
Everything in God is contrary to the world. And living as a Christian this is becoming more and more obvious to me.
At 3:13 PM,
Masked Rabbit said…
Yes, this is so very true. By the grace of God, we walk through life. I am very grateful that he forgets my sins when I confess!
At 6:50 AM,
Sassiekiwi said…
Good Post Gail. Jars of Clay have a song with a line in it that says, "see the art in me" ... There is a scripture which says we are God's workmanship ... also can be translated artpieces! This is something I try to live with an awareness of. The idea that we are God's art pieces ... like any art piece, the artist is embedded in their creation.
Do we live life looking to see the artist reflected ... we need to see past the grime and dirt to the art. Even when the Sistine Chapel was filthy, people recognised the beauty of it ... now that it has been cleaned up ... it's a wonderous thing! How like us and the people we come in contact with. Sometimes we have to look for the artist ... but if we do, we see glimpses and that helps us to see someone differently and love.
At 4:06 AM,
AngelConradie said…
a truly wonderful devotion!
it takes regular reminding that once we've asked god to forgive us something, we have to forgive ourselves otherwise we're all but declaring we're greater than he!
At 4:26 PM,
Carolanne said…
Thanks for sharing this devotional thought, Gail.
At 1:58 PM,
Unknown said…
hi gail... i tag you for your wisdom... 5 things that you want your kids to know "before they grow up"... go to link here... http://fireball.lifewithchrist.org/permalink/34540.html
At 7:02 AM,
A Captured Reflection said…
I read this, this morning and thought it may interest you Gail. Been thinking of you!
At 7:07 AM,
Kimmer said…
I was so sorry to hear of your Mum's passing.
Praying for you, Keith, & Rowan and others:
that the Lord will console and comfort your hearts,
that He will be your Strong Tower, your Peace... your Comfort... your sustenance
and that He will surround you with the presence of His love
blessings, peace, and love
At 7:09 AM,
Kimmer said…
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