Hillsong Tuesday.
This Time Last Tuesday.
I was in the afternoon breakout session for worship leaders. Pastor Jentezen Franklin from Atlanta was down to do the talk for 45 mins. BUT surprise, surprise. Mr Chris Tomlin opened the session with "How Great is Our God" ( Don't you just love that song??? Sigh :)I mean how great is our God?? How long do you have?? )
These are basically just points.
Jentzen spoke on Acts ch 15 vs 16-17, his talk being called "Worship Evangelism ".Citing Jesus and the woman at the well.she worshipped Jesus in spirit and truth and then went and told the village about Jesus.
A spirit of worship creates a spirit of evangelism. If we have real worship in the church people will come.
Rev 12v10. Worship oppresses satan
Mark 5. 2000 demons worshipped.
Nothing is authorised to stop your worship.
Be creative in worhsip. Until David's time they just used the rams horn. David created instruments. Be creative to reach the generation.
In the Psalms it says " I was glad whan they said ,let us go to the house of the LORD " David was glad when it was just suggested that he go to God's house. He was a mighty warrior and he danced with all his might. That must have been amazing worship.
When you don't feel like worshipping in your heart, start with your body. Clap, move your feet and your heart will be led to follow.
He finished by talking about the ark of the LORD coming back to Jerusalem. 2 Samuel ch 6. The distance covered was 6 miles and David stopped every sixsteps to offer sacrifices of worship to the LORD by sacrificing bulls and calves. That would have taken approximately 78 days for David to move the ark. What a demonstation of worship to our God from the king.
Tuesday Night.
Hillsong United and Darlene opened. There was a wonderful new song from the new Hillsong Cd Saviour King. That was the title song. It is beautiful.I'll talk about it later in the week.
Chris Tomlin was on with Louie Giglio Tuesday night doing "Indescribable". Chris sang Let God Arise,Holy is the Lord,Indescribable,Awesome is the Lord Most High.
Louie did his Indescribable talk. I have seen the two different DVDs of it but he was firing on all cylinders for this. But half way through the pics of the stars
some disruptive person shouted " what about Jesus" from the back of 30,000 people disrupting it. Louie was good. He said hold on mate and
you'll see. Then Louie continued and then the guy shouted it again. When we got to the bit where Louie says do you wany to go farther out? Do you want to see something really far out and he turns and it shows Jesus on the cross and
we all are stunned by the image, the guy shouted out "thank you" It really broke the impact. At the end Brian Houston came on and was raving about the talk and he said that he would not have been as gracious as Louie when the guy called out.
Chris came back and sang Wonderful Cross. He finished with Amazing Grace (mcag). The place erupted. I couldnt sing loudly enough nor raise my hands high enough and I was tempted to stand on the seat !!! I thought that I would explode in worship.It was the most amazing night worshipping Jesus who alone is worthy of ALL our praise and worship.
Tue Jul 10th
I was in the afternoon breakout session for worship leaders. Pastor Jentezen Franklin from Atlanta was down to do the talk for 45 mins. BUT surprise, surprise. Mr Chris Tomlin opened the session with "How Great is Our God" ( Don't you just love that song??? Sigh :)I mean how great is our God?? How long do you have?? )
These are basically just points.
Jentzen spoke on Acts ch 15 vs 16-17, his talk being called "Worship Evangelism ".Citing Jesus and the woman at the well.she worshipped Jesus in spirit and truth and then went and told the village about Jesus.
A spirit of worship creates a spirit of evangelism. If we have real worship in the church people will come.
Rev 12v10. Worship oppresses satan
Mark 5. 2000 demons worshipped.
Nothing is authorised to stop your worship.
Be creative in worhsip. Until David's time they just used the rams horn. David created instruments. Be creative to reach the generation.
In the Psalms it says " I was glad whan they said ,let us go to the house of the LORD " David was glad when it was just suggested that he go to God's house. He was a mighty warrior and he danced with all his might. That must have been amazing worship.
When you don't feel like worshipping in your heart, start with your body. Clap, move your feet and your heart will be led to follow.
He finished by talking about the ark of the LORD coming back to Jerusalem. 2 Samuel ch 6. The distance covered was 6 miles and David stopped every sixsteps to offer sacrifices of worship to the LORD by sacrificing bulls and calves. That would have taken approximately 78 days for David to move the ark. What a demonstation of worship to our God from the king.
Tuesday Night.
Hillsong United and Darlene opened. There was a wonderful new song from the new Hillsong Cd Saviour King. That was the title song. It is beautiful.I'll talk about it later in the week.
Chris Tomlin was on with Louie Giglio Tuesday night doing "Indescribable". Chris sang Let God Arise,Holy is the Lord,Indescribable,Awesome is the Lord Most High.
Louie did his Indescribable talk. I have seen the two different DVDs of it but he was firing on all cylinders for this. But half way through the pics of the stars
some disruptive person shouted " what about Jesus" from the back of 30,000 people disrupting it. Louie was good. He said hold on mate and
you'll see. Then Louie continued and then the guy shouted it again. When we got to the bit where Louie says do you wany to go farther out? Do you want to see something really far out and he turns and it shows Jesus on the cross and
we all are stunned by the image, the guy shouted out "thank you" It really broke the impact. At the end Brian Houston came on and was raving about the talk and he said that he would not have been as gracious as Louie when the guy called out.
Chris came back and sang Wonderful Cross. He finished with Amazing Grace (mcag). The place erupted. I couldnt sing loudly enough nor raise my hands high enough and I was tempted to stand on the seat !!! I thought that I would explode in worship.It was the most amazing night worshipping Jesus who alone is worthy of ALL our praise and worship.
Tue Jul 10th
At 12:31 PM,
XclusivelyHisOwn said…
Wonderful, Wonderful post. I just recently went to THECALL in Nashville, TN where they discussed the need for evangelistic worship songs. And just tonight, I was asking a lady at church how I could improve my worship time with God.
Your post was on time.
At 7:20 PM,
AngelConradie said…
its a pity one person spoilt it a bit... maybe he wasn't really paying attention?
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