None But Jesus.
In the quiet,
In the stillness
I know that You are God.
In the secret of Your presence
I know there I am restored.
When You call I won’t refuse,
Each new day again I’ll choose.
There is no one else for me,
None but Jesus.
Crucified to set me free,
Now I live to bring Him praise.
In the chaos, in confusion
I know You’re Sovereign still.
In the moment of my weakness
You give me grace to do Your will.
When You call I won’t delay,
This my song through all my days.
All my delight is in You Lord,
All of my hope,
All of my strength.
All my delight is in You Lord,
Forevermore .
(Brooke Fraser.)
As most of my faithful blogettes know, I have been in hospital this year and last year I alluded in some posts to the fact that I do have ongoing health issues . Don't worry, its nothing terminal , but it's bad enough to currently limit what I do on a day to day basis. Things were on the up and up at the end of last year and and as you can see from my January post Rowan and I made it to the U. S. A to have Christmas with my cousin and her family and then we headed to Georgia for the Passion Conference for college students. My husband Keith was invited to come with us when we were planning this but he declined the offer, as he works with students all year and then two weeks before we were going he wished that he had decided to go with us ,but it was too late !!! We had a great time and my health was excellent.
Things were looking good but in mid February I found myself suddenly in hospital for almost a month. I have had to face the fact that these health issues and pain will probably be ongoing and that I'll have to live with them unless God chooses to heal me. There will be good spells and also times of relapse. This is not easy, it does affect the family but God is sustaining us .
Why did I post this song ?? It was because the words,
"In the chaos, in confusion
I know You’re Sovereign still."
have really touched my heart and say for me what was I not clever enough to pen myself.
I have had prayer for healing, have been anointed with oil, pray basically every night with my husband for healing but I still suffer. However, through this chaos and confusion, I have come to a deeper place in God. I know that He is Sovereign and full of mercy and grace. I know that nothing is happening to me that is outside of His control. I know that He is using this illness to bring glory to Himself. I know Him more intimately because of this journey than I would have known Him, without being ill as I have had to depend on Him on a day to day basis to get through.
I have had much more time to read His word, to spend worshipping Him and focussing on prayer and I have had the opportunity and time to intercede for many other people and ministries that are on my heart. Being able to do this has really blessed me.
In the midst of chaos and confusion our great God is truly Sovereign. My prayer is that all of you who read this may know this reality.
In the stillness
I know that You are God.
In the secret of Your presence
I know there I am restored.
When You call I won’t refuse,
Each new day again I’ll choose.
There is no one else for me,
None but Jesus.
Crucified to set me free,
Now I live to bring Him praise.
In the chaos, in confusion
I know You’re Sovereign still.
In the moment of my weakness
You give me grace to do Your will.
When You call I won’t delay,
This my song through all my days.
All my delight is in You Lord,
All of my hope,
All of my strength.
All my delight is in You Lord,
Forevermore .
(Brooke Fraser.)
As most of my faithful blogettes know, I have been in hospital this year and last year I alluded in some posts to the fact that I do have ongoing health issues . Don't worry, its nothing terminal , but it's bad enough to currently limit what I do on a day to day basis. Things were on the up and up at the end of last year and and as you can see from my January post Rowan and I made it to the U. S. A to have Christmas with my cousin and her family and then we headed to Georgia for the Passion Conference for college students. My husband Keith was invited to come with us when we were planning this but he declined the offer, as he works with students all year and then two weeks before we were going he wished that he had decided to go with us ,but it was too late !!! We had a great time and my health was excellent.
Things were looking good but in mid February I found myself suddenly in hospital for almost a month. I have had to face the fact that these health issues and pain will probably be ongoing and that I'll have to live with them unless God chooses to heal me. There will be good spells and also times of relapse. This is not easy, it does affect the family but God is sustaining us .
Why did I post this song ?? It was because the words,
"In the chaos, in confusion
I know You’re Sovereign still."
have really touched my heart and say for me what was I not clever enough to pen myself.
I have had prayer for healing, have been anointed with oil, pray basically every night with my husband for healing but I still suffer. However, through this chaos and confusion, I have come to a deeper place in God. I know that He is Sovereign and full of mercy and grace. I know that nothing is happening to me that is outside of His control. I know that He is using this illness to bring glory to Himself. I know Him more intimately because of this journey than I would have known Him, without being ill as I have had to depend on Him on a day to day basis to get through.
I have had much more time to read His word, to spend worshipping Him and focussing on prayer and I have had the opportunity and time to intercede for many other people and ministries that are on my heart. Being able to do this has really blessed me.
In the midst of chaos and confusion our great God is truly Sovereign. My prayer is that all of you who read this may know this reality.
At 4:16 PM,
A Captured Reflection said…
Hey Gail. Glad you popped in, you've been on my mind on and off all day - especially an hour ago when I was making dinner. I kept hearing Is 42:3. I could sense his love for you and his gentleness with you, a real tender caring, loving and protection over you. I was prayiing for you last night too. Hold on! I read Eric's book "Braving the Storm" (his blog is on my links) and it was a fabulous read, the depth of his suffering, what God instilled in him and showed him. Awesome. I recommend it so very highly.
At 4:34 PM,
Deborah said…
What a beautiful song, and yes its in the secret of His presence where I find strength to live in a country that is going through some rough patches, its in His presence where I find security for the future. Have a blessed week Gail. love always me
At 6:47 PM,
Masked Rabbit said…
Gail what a testimony. The words of that song are amazing but your words of how you have endured and yet still seen God and drawn closer to him are brilliant.
At 7:27 PM,
gail said…
Gosh, you girls are a gift to me.
Karen, I love that verse.I did a post on it way back lasy year. I will look into Eric's book. I think that we need more books about the reality of suffering and pain in this world. Most times there are no "quick fixes" but God can use our pain when we surrender ourselves to Him.
Deborah, my new friend.He truly is our security and our stronghold.
Bunnygirl, you too have "endured." You inspire me :)
At 11:32 PM,
Brigitte said…
This is something I have been learning and am still learning about our Father. Thanks for these words - I needed them. I pray that He will continue His good works in you and through you.
At 12:52 AM,
FanofGOD said…
Hey Gail
That is a great song and recently the words have really ministered to my heart! Thank you for sharing this! I really admire you Miss Gail, your faith in the Lord is so strong! I pray that you will continue on this path of believing in Him and giving it all to Him! It is so easy to worry, to lose focus on God because of our struggles but I really see that you are staying focused on Him even in the pain you suffer and that you are coming closer to Him which is so wonderful! I want you to know I will be praying for you! Keep seeking Him and trusting Him! You are such an example! Love you Gail
Love Miranda
At 3:14 AM,
AngelConradie said…
wow gail- how wonderful to hear you speak of your faith like you do despite what you're going through!
you are in my prayers everyday!
At 11:16 AM,
gail said…
Oooo...more wonderful girls!!!
Hi Brigitte you always inspire me. glad that I could offer something back to you.
FoG, Thanks for visiting, you little breath of fresh air :)
Angel, thanks for your prayers. I think of you ofetn because of our common link with our boys.
At 11:09 AM,
Sharon Brumfield said…
Isn't it amazing that we draw so much closer to Him when things a hard.The past two years of my life have driven me to His feet. he has opened my eyes to so many things I don't think I would have seen otherwise.
Some would think we were warped to thank Him for allowing the hard times--but then they don't know Him.
Knowing His grace is proving itself sufficient in your life and that His joy is filling your soul.
At 11:50 AM,
Sharon Brumfield said…
We do conferences for a group called Christian Business Men. The men get together during the year to meet for prayer breakfast and to go and witness to other business men. During the summer they get the whole family involved by having conferences the whole family can attend.
My parents have been doing these since I was five.(I am 42) About 7 years ago I started helping teach and about 4 years ago my husband joined us.
The parents have meetings on many different subjects and we take the children at this conference from 2nd through 5th grade. We have missionary stories, Bible stories, object lessons, and we have the kids make a major craft project that they take home. This year we will be making a wooden devotional stand. It will hold their Bible and a notebook.
We start on a Sunday afternoon and go through Friday. It is pretty intense but we do have the afternoons free for fun. This first one is in Texas and our next will be in North Carolina.
We do look forward to this time each year.
At 1:05 PM,
higgie08 said…
Gail, I love you so much. You're always in my prayers. (and you had better get better or else). (hee)
At 4:14 PM,
gail said…
Hi Sharon, have great time.
Higgie, you've got me shaking in my boots. I promise that I'll get better. Don't want you coming after me:)
At 6:43 PM,
A Captured Reflection said…
Hey Gail, you've been on my mind on and off today, so I am lifting you up in prayer. You have such a heart of a worshipper, sitting at his feet. A lovely spirit :-)
At 11:37 AM,
Sassiekiwi said…
Hi Gail
I like your blog. I am sorry to hear that you are going through health issues. I have had struggles this year in that too. Have read some awesome things in this time and here is one that really helped me ...
"There is a kind of worshipper who “always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres” (1 Corinthians 13:7), and who gets through the storms of life with a heart still blaz ing. Sometimes it comes down to a simple choice. We may be hard-pressed on every side, weary and not able to sense God. But then a choice faces us—to fix our eyes on the circumstances or to cling to God and choose to worship him, even when it hurts. The heart of God loves the offer ings of a persevering worshipper. Though overwhelmed by many troubles, they are even more overwhelmed by the beauty of God." Matt Redman
Be encouraged Gail. This season in your life was not a surprise to Him. He knew. He knows. He is on the throne. For me, I am seeing this as an opportunity to trust and enlarge.
My thoughts and prayers are with you.
At 1:34 PM,
zephaniah3:17 said…
Gail, you have brought so many blessings into my life. But the greatest gift you have given is this realization:
Our faith is not an emotion or a fickle feeling that relies on new-and-improved experiences with God to persevere. Our faith is a stone of remembrance. It is a solid thing that relies on what we know to be true about El Shaddai, the all sufficient God; El Roi, the God who sees us; Emmanuel, God with us.
You have struggled, yet you have kept your eyes fixed on the one thing that will never shift--our God, who is rich in mercy.
You are my hero and my friend.
At 2:02 PM,
A Captured Reflection said…
Claire asked me to pop by and let you know that she has mentioned your blog in her blogs to visit in blogland posting today :-)
At 7:55 PM,
gail said…
Hi Sassikiwi and Zeph 3:17. Thank you so much for your encouraging words. God has been so amazingly faithful and Jesus has been glorified. What more could I want?
Hi again Karen :) Thanks for passing on Claire's message.
At 7:57 AM,
Unknown said…
Hi Gail. Suffering is one of those things that when seen in the light of Christ and perspective of eternity, it gives us courage to face up to whatever it is and live a life to the fullest.
Prayers from up here in Brissie for not only good health, but also God's healing touch to be upon you.
At 12:54 PM,
Sunny said…
Bluae! (that's an in-joke, ya know!)
I hope you are feeling better and stronger everyday. The words you posted are very beautiful.
You are prized by majesty, my blue. And by us too!
At 3:35 PM,
gail said…
Hi Brandon. what i'd give to be up in sunny Brissie.We had an apartment on the beach at the Gold Coast and use to do the winter holidays up there until a couple of years ago. Thats one way to manage Melbourne's cold :)
Hi Sunny and Tucker. You guys are as used to the cold as us. People from other parts of the US would be wondering what were complaining about.
Thanks for your encouragment both of you about my healing. God has His timing and that keeps me focussed.
Love Bluae :) ( in joke )
At 3:24 PM,
Case and Los said…
Hey Gail, thanks for writing on my blog; our time in your gorgeous country was amazing, and YES I got to hold a koala in Queensland (Port Douglas, great place). Would've been awesome to meet you in MEL; loved it there too! Does Rowan (cute name) go to Melbourne Uni? If so, we went there one morning (and to Lygon St.). I wanted to buy a shirt there, but the sport shop wasn't open yet:( I got one at Sydney Uni though. I love how easy your city is to get around on public transportation; pretty incomparable (and I've been to 13 countries and 45 of the states in the US, so I know!)
I read your Passion posts; yeah, I've been blessed by those guys for years now... it's so cool that a 'world tour' is coming up...
I am finishing seminary at Fuller Theological and will be a pastor some day myself; I would love to invest in students as they do for part of my ministry in the future:)
Many blessings and I'll be visiting your blog again I'm sure:)
Casey in Seattle
p.s. how interesting that you worked for Exodus Int'l!
At 11:08 AM,
Soul Reflections said…
Gail, you're sorely missed but on the right track. We just learned this song at church. HE IS
At 3:47 PM,
Kimmer said…
Hey Miss Gail,
I am amiss for not visiting in a while, forgive me! We've been chatting but I hadnt stopped by here in a while. I know we share a love for this song; and we've not spoken of it but the lines in the chaos and confusion I know Your Sovergn still - those too are ones that touch me every time i hear/sing this annointed song. I so loved the open sharing of your post and this portion in particular:
"However, through this chaos and confusion, I have come to a deeper place in God. I know that He is Sovereign and full of mercy and grace. I know that nothing is happening to me that is outside of His control. I know that He is using this illness to bring glory to Himself. I know Him more intimately because of this journey than I would have known Him, without being ill as I have had to depend on Him on a day to day basis to get through.
I have had much more time to read His word, to spend worshipping Him and focussing on prayer and I have had the opportunity and time to intercede for many other people and ministries that are on my heart. Being able to do this has really blessed me."
What true and inspiring words you have written Blue. You are a true blessing and I pray God would continue to bring good of this time in your life. You are a huge blessing and a fast friend
blessings, hug, love, and a cuppa
Kimmer :)
At 10:43 PM,
gail said…
Kimmer, what would we do without those cuppas??
Love Blue
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