Hillsong Conference Sydney
Well after sharing my heart about my health and worrying in case no one would comment on a blog like that I was truly touched by all your good wishes. Thank you everyone who replied and who is praying for me.
Now that's the point of this blog ? More prayer please !!!
Keith and I booked last October to attend the Hillsong conference is Sydney. We booked while I was well. We are flying up to Sydney on Sunday July 1st and staying till the 7th .We managed to get accommodation in the hotel across from the venue. Its difficult to get accommodation there and I believe that God orchestrated us getting ours. I had called the accommodation organiser to book accommodaton and I was told that the closest accommodation available was a 15 minute train ride away. The next day I rang back again and I got the Managing Director who said that he could get us in the hotel across the road. Now that is usually booked a year in advance.
If we were 15 minutes away by train I just couldn't go. As it is, at present I am lucky if I can stay up for about six hours a day. I will have to pace myself and I will miss the morning sessions. I may make it to the workshops but I certainly will try and get to the five evening sessions. Even if I am exhausted we only have to walk across the road to our accommodation. How good is that?
I havent been able to attend our church since February. I do read my Bible and pray but thank God for the internet and sites where I can get good worship and sermons too !!! I am asking for your prayers, that God will sustain me during the Hillsong week, physically and emotionally. We are both somewhat exhausted and need spiritual refreshing. We want to be open to all that God has for us through the worship and speakers. I can't wait to be with God's people again worshipping Him but sometimes I feel that its going to take a miracle to get there .
So would you all please ask our Heavenly Father to give me the strength to make it through the week ?
Thanks, Gail.
Now that's the point of this blog ? More prayer please !!!
Keith and I booked last October to attend the Hillsong conference is Sydney. We booked while I was well. We are flying up to Sydney on Sunday July 1st and staying till the 7th .We managed to get accommodation in the hotel across from the venue. Its difficult to get accommodation there and I believe that God orchestrated us getting ours. I had called the accommodation organiser to book accommodaton and I was told that the closest accommodation available was a 15 minute train ride away. The next day I rang back again and I got the Managing Director who said that he could get us in the hotel across the road. Now that is usually booked a year in advance.
If we were 15 minutes away by train I just couldn't go. As it is, at present I am lucky if I can stay up for about six hours a day. I will have to pace myself and I will miss the morning sessions. I may make it to the workshops but I certainly will try and get to the five evening sessions. Even if I am exhausted we only have to walk across the road to our accommodation. How good is that?
I havent been able to attend our church since February. I do read my Bible and pray but thank God for the internet and sites where I can get good worship and sermons too !!! I am asking for your prayers, that God will sustain me during the Hillsong week, physically and emotionally. We are both somewhat exhausted and need spiritual refreshing. We want to be open to all that God has for us through the worship and speakers. I can't wait to be with God's people again worshipping Him but sometimes I feel that its going to take a miracle to get there .
So would you all please ask our Heavenly Father to give me the strength to make it through the week ?
Thanks, Gail.
At 7:05 AM,
Sassiekiwi said…
I am praying that Hillsong is a God encounter time for you. That he would refresh you and sustain you and your husband.
I am praying that it would be a spiritual marker time for you ... that you would look back on it and say "yup ... we met God that week".
Prepare yourself to receive from God and go expecting ... he says Blessed are the hungry for they shall be filled.
I look forward to hearing what God does!
At 4:27 PM,
A Captured Reflection said…
I am glad to hear that you will be able to attend this conference in Sydney. It does sound like a time that the Lord wants you to bask in his presence, you don't have to be anything, do anything - he LOVES you, he ADORES you. I agree with SassieKiwi, may you be refreshed and sustained.
At 10:03 PM,
Masked Rabbit said…
Just adding my thoughts and prayers to Sassiekiwi and Karen's. I hope you feel relaxed, enfolded in love and enjoy the experience of God. Great answers to prayer re your hotel. Can't wait to hear how things went.
At 3:44 AM,
Soul Reflections said…
'The joy of the Lord is my strength'. I pray for lots of joy for you and yours. God will sustain and lift you up. ENJOY!
At 12:27 PM,
Sunny said…
blue, i just know that while you are worshipping there God will give you strength you never knew you had; i will pray for you and lift up you and Keith that your flesh will hold up while your spirits drink deeply! i love you!!
At 12:31 PM,
higgie08 said…
Lord, I lift up Gail to you right now. Please renew her health and strength Lord. Only You know how she is suffering, and only You can she receive peace and healing. Surround her with Your comfort and healing, God. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.
At 3:12 AM,
zephaniah3:17 said…
My dear friend...
May Hillsong be a time of renewal, a time of basking in the extravagant love of our kind and gracious God. A time of being held and sustained and strengthened by him.
And may it be a reminder that he loves you completely just as you are at this moment.
"His pleasure is not in the strength of the horse, nor his delight in the legs of a man;
the LORD delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love."
- Psalm 147:10-11
You are in the valley right now, Gail, no doubt. But God is your strong tower. May he meet you at Hillsong in a way that exceeds your wildest dreams.
Praying for you without ceasing because you are near to my heart,
At 7:40 PM,
gail said…
Sassiekiwi, thanks for your prayers. definitley going to go to HS "hungry"
Karen,thanks for your good wishes.
Bunnygirl, yes, wasn't it good about the hotel.
Debra,thanks for your prayers.
Thanks Blogettes for your encouragment,prayers and support.
At 12:48 AM,
Brigitte said…
I think it is wonderful that you are going, even though you are not well. You will surely find refreshment there. I continue to pray for restoration, refreshment and renewal. He will sustain you and I know you will come backe feeling stonger.
At 12:16 PM,
A Captured Reflection said…
Hey Gail, thanks for popping by. That sounded like intimidation being launched against you. Yes, I sure know what that is like too. Michal Ann Goll has put out a brilliant set of CD's on this topic, courtesy of the Elijah List. I am home with 2 sick children today, it was a long night!
At 7:42 PM,
gail said…
Thanks Brigitte for the "rockingirlblogger award "!!!
Like you, I really would'nt "Rock" without Jesus :)
At 8:20 PM,
Brigitte said…
Hey! you got to my blog before i could get to yours to tell you I have something for you!
Anyway, you deserve it and You Totally ROCK!!!!
At 8:33 PM,
Jacoline said…
I continue to pray for you! I really hope an pray that God gives you the strenght during this conference. Our God is an awesome God and he is very mighty so trust in Him he is more than able to lift you up and give you strenght!
Blessings & Keep us updated! Love, Jackie
At 10:47 PM,
Jacoline said…
Safin is an amazing Russian tennisplayer! He has won two grand slams...
Okay so federer might be a bit better than Safin...but I like Safin better. His tennis is amazing, interesting and everytime different. Not only that Safin is a really nice guy, and I can't say that of Federer...I've seen & met them both...
Will continue to pray for you!!
At 3:53 PM,
Kimmer said…
Dear Gail,
I will surely be praying for you each day and Keith as you venture to HS conference.... that the Lord will surround you with peace, and stillness of His presence, the quietness of His Spirit... and fill you with His strength both emotionally and physically to be able to learn and join in worshipping as you are there. That both of you will gain a time of renewal and come home more relaxed and refreshed than when you arrived. That you would hear His whispers spoken to you there.
blessings, prayers, and love
Kimmer :)
At 6:03 PM,
gail said…
Thanks for your prayers Kimmer. I appreciate them :)
At 5:52 AM,
AngelConradie said…
you'll definitely be in my prayers gail!
At 10:28 AM,
zephaniah3:17 said…
Hi Gail...I was just looking at the Hillsong Conference site and noticed that Jentezen Franklin is one of the speakers. He pastors the church where we saw delirious in April.
Will you be able to see him? I know Martin Smith said the whole reason they came to that church on their tour was because of Jentezen Franklin's teaching at a Hillson Conference they were at.
Just curious!
Praying always,
At 11:27 AM,
Daniele Valadares Flickinger said…
Dear Gail -
Your energy and open mind to keep up with such vibrant and young ministry visions amaze me. Thank you so much for your love for this generation and for your support for Passion. I pray that Hillsong is an amazing time for you, that God will empower you physically and emotionally to experience every bit of what He has in store for you. I already thank Him for what He will accomplish on these days, and pray that you trust much, worry nothing and live fully in His hands, a day at the time. Joy, Daniele.
At 1:41 PM,
A Captured Reflection said…
Gail, have you been in contact with Jennifer at all? I was thinking about her this week and realised I'd not had news for a long time and hope she is doing well. Her blog was 'Don't eat the daisies'. I tried to pop in but it is by invitation only. I hope she is doing well.
At 2:08 PM,
gail said…
Thanks Daniele, I will trust much, worry nothing and live fully in His hands :)
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