Hillsong Thurday.
This Time Last Thursday.
Well this is a bit of a cheat as I wasnt at the 11 am session but Keith was :) There were two talks, no music and Louie Giglio did the second talk. He spoke about when he was young and a church service had three hymns and at youth services you sang "Pass It On." Occasionally thing got out of control and you held hands with the person beside you and you all raised your hands ,joined . If you broke free the youth leader grabbed your hand and connected it again as that was too charismatic :)
Worhsip has gone from
"traditional" to "contemporary," to delirious? and "cutting edge," "the modern worship movement" and now the "emerging church." Which he laughed at as we have been emerging for 2000 years really.
He questioned "do we wnat to leave a legacy as a generation that consumed songs and books or those that took the gospel to others?" Heb13:15-16.(Please read viewers ) He explained here that Passion was more than music but is a movement to awaken students to making God known on their campuses and the world.
The next point is "A Sacrifice of Praise." We should be worshipping God before we enter church. Church does not invoke worship.
A church service is not comprised of worship and then a speaker but is ALL worship.God wants more of us than songs. We should be consumed with God not songs. He then mentioned Chris Tomlin's work being so well known and the fact that his heart was very humble despite fame .
We must meet the needs of others and not be self indulgent. He said that the culture in the US is very self indulgent.(Same here sadly ,in Oz, I'd say )
Worship must be about God and for God.The key question about worship is "What did God get"
1.Comprehensive worship. Care for others, tell others about Jesus.
2. Worship leader is the Pastor. The service is all worship.
3.We were created to worship Jesus and be really good at proclaiming Jesus.
Now onto the afternoon breakout that I was at and took few notes. Chris Tomlin sang a new song that he had written. It was beautiful in its simplicity. He had taken Song of Songs 2 v 16 "My beloved is mine and I am his." He went to the Hebrew and translated it literally which is. " My Beloved mine, I His." Which was the refrain. It was moving to sing . Then he sang "Oh Come let us adore Him" and a second verse "We were made to worship,x3 Christ the Lord." so simple and meaningful.
Louie's main points.
Worhsip is the overflow of a stunned heart.
Worhsip goes from local to global.
Chris made a point here for leaders ,which was that you will never lead the worship singing till you lead your band in worship. (A good point I thought)
True worship is a transformed life. Are we becoming like Jesus ?
Pray "Change my life."
Be a living sacrifice.
We should have a bent,broken heart before God.
And lastly the evening.
Steven CC led the singing.He sang a song I didnt know and there were no words up so everyone just stood. Then he sang "Dive" still no words up.He finished with "I Could Sing of Your Love Forever."
The "Bishop" (T.D. Jakes ) spoke. Keith was planning to leave now. He didnt think that he could cope with the Bishop!!! But he enjoyed him so much that he went back to his next two sessions :)
His message was "God gave you creativity, now use it"
God must be revealed . He cannot
be explained.
1.God is strategic. He has a plan and a purpose. Nothing is an accident.
2. God has a system. The more things we do the more systems he has.eg work, family,home.Seeds are planted for our future. The seasons play a large part.You may have sown in the wrong season but when you sow in the right season and wait, things come to be.This is true of our ideas and creativity. THE BEST IS YET TO BE!!! Praise God I say!!!
3. Synergy. God is synergistic. We were created to be eagles so soar like one.Be synergistic with other eagles and see what you can achieve. If you have been rejected by another- they are chickens. Move on and find other eagles :)
Shifting Seasons.
When we move to a new season we do what we could not do before.
Are we just collecting "spiritual moments" or are taking each as strategic and making use of these encounters with God?
God gives us ideas etc in raw form. Our creativity makes it into what God wants.
Reposition where you are. Don't be limited by things.
The place was errupting .He kept getting standing ovations. I am afraid these jottings don't do him justice.
When the bishop finished Israel Haughton and the New Breed then came on and sang a slow song about Eagles.And Brian houston came on and asked him to sing "Friend of God" He sang the first verse with the band and the place exploded with 30,000 dancing (including yours truly) and praising God. Then Chris Tomlin came on and sang the second verse. When Israel took over again Chris was dancing crazily all over the stage. Well girls ,cast your mind back to Tuesday when I felt like standing on the seat as I didnt know what else to do in praise........Well Thursday I lost all inhibitions and did just so. I was most "Undignified" but there you are!!!!
What a night.
Well this is a bit of a cheat as I wasnt at the 11 am session but Keith was :) There were two talks, no music and Louie Giglio did the second talk. He spoke about when he was young and a church service had three hymns and at youth services you sang "Pass It On." Occasionally thing got out of control and you held hands with the person beside you and you all raised your hands ,joined . If you broke free the youth leader grabbed your hand and connected it again as that was too charismatic :)
Worhsip has gone from
"traditional" to "contemporary," to delirious? and "cutting edge," "the modern worship movement" and now the "emerging church." Which he laughed at as we have been emerging for 2000 years really.
He questioned "do we wnat to leave a legacy as a generation that consumed songs and books or those that took the gospel to others?" Heb13:15-16.(Please read viewers ) He explained here that Passion was more than music but is a movement to awaken students to making God known on their campuses and the world.
The next point is "A Sacrifice of Praise." We should be worshipping God before we enter church. Church does not invoke worship.
A church service is not comprised of worship and then a speaker but is ALL worship.God wants more of us than songs. We should be consumed with God not songs. He then mentioned Chris Tomlin's work being so well known and the fact that his heart was very humble despite fame .
We must meet the needs of others and not be self indulgent. He said that the culture in the US is very self indulgent.(Same here sadly ,in Oz, I'd say )
Worship must be about God and for God.The key question about worship is "What did God get"
1.Comprehensive worship. Care for others, tell others about Jesus.
2. Worship leader is the Pastor. The service is all worship.
3.We were created to worship Jesus and be really good at proclaiming Jesus.
Now onto the afternoon breakout that I was at and took few notes. Chris Tomlin sang a new song that he had written. It was beautiful in its simplicity. He had taken Song of Songs 2 v 16 "My beloved is mine and I am his." He went to the Hebrew and translated it literally which is. " My Beloved mine, I His." Which was the refrain. It was moving to sing . Then he sang "Oh Come let us adore Him" and a second verse "We were made to worship,x3 Christ the Lord." so simple and meaningful.
Louie's main points.
Worhsip is the overflow of a stunned heart.
Worhsip goes from local to global.
Chris made a point here for leaders ,which was that you will never lead the worship singing till you lead your band in worship. (A good point I thought)
True worship is a transformed life. Are we becoming like Jesus ?
Pray "Change my life."
Be a living sacrifice.
We should have a bent,broken heart before God.
And lastly the evening.
Steven CC led the singing.He sang a song I didnt know and there were no words up so everyone just stood. Then he sang "Dive" still no words up.He finished with "I Could Sing of Your Love Forever."
The "Bishop" (T.D. Jakes ) spoke. Keith was planning to leave now. He didnt think that he could cope with the Bishop!!! But he enjoyed him so much that he went back to his next two sessions :)
His message was "God gave you creativity, now use it"
God must be revealed . He cannot
be explained.
1.God is strategic. He has a plan and a purpose. Nothing is an accident.
2. God has a system. The more things we do the more systems he has.eg work, family,home.Seeds are planted for our future. The seasons play a large part.You may have sown in the wrong season but when you sow in the right season and wait, things come to be.This is true of our ideas and creativity. THE BEST IS YET TO BE!!! Praise God I say!!!
3. Synergy. God is synergistic. We were created to be eagles so soar like one.Be synergistic with other eagles and see what you can achieve. If you have been rejected by another- they are chickens. Move on and find other eagles :)
Shifting Seasons.
When we move to a new season we do what we could not do before.
Are we just collecting "spiritual moments" or are taking each as strategic and making use of these encounters with God?
God gives us ideas etc in raw form. Our creativity makes it into what God wants.
Reposition where you are. Don't be limited by things.
The place was errupting .He kept getting standing ovations. I am afraid these jottings don't do him justice.
When the bishop finished Israel Haughton and the New Breed then came on and sang a slow song about Eagles.And Brian houston came on and asked him to sing "Friend of God" He sang the first verse with the band and the place exploded with 30,000 dancing (including yours truly) and praising God. Then Chris Tomlin came on and sang the second verse. When Israel took over again Chris was dancing crazily all over the stage. Well girls ,cast your mind back to Tuesday when I felt like standing on the seat as I didnt know what else to do in praise........Well Thursday I lost all inhibitions and did just so. I was most "Undignified" but there you are!!!!
What a night.
At 7:30 PM,
AngelConradie said…
haha... louie giglio sounds like he went to the same church i did!
"God must be revealed . He cannot
be explained." i like that!
bully for you enjoying yourself so much!
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