I've Been Given an Award !!!

I have been given a coveted blogger award by Spookie. It comes all the way from South Africa to Australia!!! The amazing Award is " The Thinking Blogger Award." Spookie chose me because of my passion for worshipping Jesus. A passion that she shares.... Spookie is an amazing writer whose very creative blog I love reading.
So Spookie we're going to see Matt Redman together? Now that something to look forward to . The big decision is -my country or yours:)
It is now my priviledge to nominate five bloggers who I think deserve the Award. These bloggers are listed in no particular order......
Lisa - from Zephaniah 3:17 . Lisa has just completed the most amazing 40 Day Lenten prayer journey. It is based on Isaiah 58 :6-7 and was written in obedience to God calling Lisa to fast by praying and humbling herself . God has gifted Lisa with the most amazing ability as a writer and in this journey she uses that gift for Him. I commend Lisa's Prayer journey to you.
It is now my priviledge to nominate five bloggers who I think deserve the Award. These bloggers are listed in no particular order......
Lisa - from Zephaniah 3:17 . Lisa has just completed the most amazing 40 Day Lenten prayer journey. It is based on Isaiah 58 :6-7 and was written in obedience to God calling Lisa to fast by praying and humbling herself . God has gifted Lisa with the most amazing ability as a writer and in this journey she uses that gift for Him. I commend Lisa's Prayer journey to you.
Kimmer - from Kimmer0518 . Kimmer 's blog contains many Bible studies which she has written from sermons given at her church. She has also posted meditaions by other Christian writeres. Kimmer has been blessed over the past year because many Christian musicians have been in her neighbourhood and she has attended their concert. She has posted pictures and some youtube videos from the concerts. Go and have a read and a look at Kimmer's posts and pics!!
Carolanne - from C outside the Box .Carolanne is a "near neighbour" of mine although we have never met. She is an amazingly prolific writer and writes daily a great diary. Check out her other blog about things to be grateful for.
BunnyGirl - from Razors Edge of Insanity .When it comes to writing great poems Bunnygirl is up there with the best!!! Not only that, she is also an artist who can illustrate any poem. Now that is talent !! She also lives on a small island called Guernsey near the coast of France. I have great memories of visiting Guernsey with my mum and dad when Iwas young. Maybe that's another reason I chose Bunnygirl :)
Sunny - from FreeFall . Sunny was the blog administrator for a long time of a blog that several girls get onto daily and share Bible studies, pray for each other and talk about our favourite music or whatever is happening in our lives. We are still blogging together but Kimmer is now the administrator. Sunny did a great job posting devotions for us to read and managing the blog . Sunny is a singer /songwriter . If you check her blog under"view my complete profile "you will get a link to some of Sunny's singing. She has blessed me so very much, especially with the song "Prized by Majesty" that she sent me the CD of. Keep singing Sunny.
See Spookies blog from Wednesday, April 11, 2007 titled "AN AWARD - FOR ME!!!"
Now, here's the rules:
ONE: If, and only if, you get tagged, write a post with links to 5 blogs that you would consider worthy of this award.
TWO: Link to This post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme.
THREE: Optional - Proudly display the 'Thinking Blogger Award' with a link to the post that you wrote. Here is an alternative Silver version if Gold doesn't fit your blog.
ONE: If, and only if, you get tagged, write a post with links to 5 blogs that you would consider worthy of this award.
TWO: Link to This post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme.
THREE: Optional - Proudly display the 'Thinking Blogger Award' with a link to the post that you wrote. Here is an alternative Silver version if Gold doesn't fit your blog.
At 7:55 PM,
Masked Rabbit said…
Awwwww, Gail that's lovely that you nominated me. Thank you so much.
I love the idea of this award as I 'll now go and visit sites I've not heard of before.
Big hugs to you
At 9:53 PM,
Carolanne said…
Thanks Gail, for nominating me for this award. I appreciate your thoughfulness. :)
Well "near neighbour" - another holiday break has come and gone and we still haven't met. We will though, one day and hopefully that will be soon. :)
Take care.
At 1:52 AM,
Sunny said…
Blue, thank you so much for the sweet words! And if anyone deserves an award, it's you! So glad you got this one. This has prompted me to post a little more often on Freefall, I've been letting it slip through the cracks.
Love you bunches,
Sunny D.
At 3:50 AM,
FanofGOD said…
Hey Gail congrats on the award haha! Oh and thanks for the comment on my blog!! I love Hillsong and especially the songs you pointed out-- From The Inside Out, Fire Fall Down and None But Jesus just wonderful songs I listen to them on my ipod a lot!
God Bless You Gail
Love FanofGod
At 7:07 AM,
FanofGOD said…
Thanks for the nice comment again on the blog I just read it. : )
I am like laughing at myself right now that I neer scrolled down on your blog to see the Passion Pictures haha THOSE ARE GREAT!!! And that is so cool your son got to meet Louie.
I can't wait to one day be apart of Passion...Passion is so special to me, I love the heart behind it so much.I am praying I can go to the Regional event in Boston...
Well hope all is well with you Gail!
much love
At 3:37 PM,
AngelConradie said…
you SO deserve it gail! you and spookie both!
At 8:25 AM,
A Captured Reflection said…
Very glad you were nominated, you do have the heart of a worshipper that's for certain. Are you still reading Henri Nouwen and Max Lucado, do you have any new additions on your bookshelf? I'm always looking for inspiration.
At 8:28 AM,
zephaniah3:17 said…
You are too sweet, my friend. Your encouragement means so much!
Praying for you always,
At 1:13 PM,
A Captured Reflection said…
Oh that's so funny about John Piper. So you have heard him speak? wow. Yes that book, Don't Waste your life, it is incredible, makes me realise how selfish I am! It just grabs you.
At 5:02 PM,
A Captured Reflection said…
Me again :-) Do check out this blog. Eric was my Pastor in Guernsey and he has just written a book about his physical illness and suffering which has been published - I thought it may be of interest to you too.
At 10:20 PM,
Brigitte said…
It was only a pleasure nominating you!! And wherever Matt Redman is showing we will go and see him (I wish!)
At 1:59 PM,
A Captured Reflection said…
Hello Gail, I was rooting around in blogland and found this award - Mercy Drops and felt that you deserve this honour of an award for your blog!
You have the true heart of a worshipper, you have a passion for God that is infectious.
Here is the link:
At 9:02 PM,
A Captured Reflection said…
Thanks for your lovely comments Gail. I would value your prayers right now. We have 2 funerals this week - 1 a friend's husband who died of a heartattack, in his 40's leaving behind two children aged 6 and 4 (like mine)he wasn't a christian, also hubby's Grandpa died aged 99 and 10mths.
At 5:15 PM,
Unknown said…
Who is Jesus?
I thought I would start a survey quiz thing that might help us share WHO Jesus is and WHY that is important for our lives… kind of a way for us to formulate what we think and feel, and make it easier for us to express it “on screen” and thus then when we’re talking to our friends and family and those God brings along our path.
I would http://fireball.lifewithchrist.org/permalink/31878.html for others to read as well :o)
Its not a competition – but a “worship” event of sorts – and you can tackle it from any angle – your testimony, history, prophecy, the Bible says, whatever takes your fancy and flicks your bic…. Just remember is is all about Jesus, Who He is :o) Your audience can be those who are seeking Him, those who are against Him, those who believe in Him already. Like I said the forum is open and the scope wide!
I pray you’ll be inspired to write something and also encouraged and faith-filled when you read about Jesus…
PS feel free to pass it on – would be super to have this zoom around…. Please ask them too to post their ideas and posts on my blog :o) Ta
I hope you’ll get onboard with this quiz/survey thing…. Looking forward to reading all about Jesus in the next wee while!
At 4:14 PM,
Mark Wilson said…
God bless you,
Mark Wilson.
At 12:42 PM,
gail said…
Hi Mark, My PC broke in Feb. and I lost all my contacts. If you read this again it would be nice to keep in touch but I dont have your blog add.
At 8:04 AM,
Mrs. D said…
Hi Gail, I know I have been away for a while. Wedding plans coupled with moving plans and end of the school year plans have left me with very little time for anything else.
I have had to make my blog an invited reader only one. If you would like to be an invited reader, please email me and let me know.
Thanks and God bless you!
At 10:52 PM,
Brigitte said…
Hello Gail!! Trust that you are well! I tagged you, you can do it if you feel like it. Come and have a look
At 5:31 AM,
AngelConradie said…
TAG! you're it!
At 3:51 AM,
Masked Rabbit said…
Hey Gail,
Just wanted to say you're missed and I'm very much looking forward to your next post.
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