He Chose the Nails. By Max Lucado.
Would you like anyone to see the list of your weakneses? Would you like them made public. How would you feel if they were posted high so that everyone, including Christ himself could see ? May I take you to the moment it was? Yes, there is a list of your failures.Christ has chronicled your shortcomings. And,yes,that list has been made public. But you've never seen it and neither have I. Come with me to the hill called Calvary and I'll show you why. God has penned a list of our faults. The list God has made cannot be read. The words can't be deciphered.The mistakes are covered.The sins are hidden. Those at the top are hidden by his hand; those down the list are covered by His blood. Your sins are covered by Jesus. This is why he refused to close his fist. He saw the list!!! What kept him from resisting (the mallet and nails)? This warrant, this tabulation of your failures. He knew the price of those sins was death. He knew the source of these sins was you, and since He couldn't bear the thought of eternity without you, He chose the nails.
At 7:53 PM,
Brigitte said…
Who can ever love us this much...?
At 2:02 AM,
Masked Rabbit said…
Always makes me this of the writing..."I asked God how much he loved me. He opened his arms wide on the Cross and said "this much".
At 12:28 PM,
A Captured Reflection said…
Thank you Gail for this post. I have never read Max Lucado's work but have heard many share and be inspired by him and I can see why. I think I will read more of his work :-)
At 12:39 PM,
zephaniah3:17 said…
"...and since He couldn't bear the thought of eternity without you, He chose the nails."
I am completely undone by this, Gail. What an unspeakable privilege to be loved like He loves.
At 4:17 AM,
Sunny said…
thanks for that wonderful reminder, blue. i am reading max's book, "it's not about me." so much good stuff in there!
love and hugs!
At 2:56 PM,
Kimmer said…
Thanks so much Blue for this wonderful post by Max L. I agree with you that the last sentance is especially moving and brings tears to my eyes.
Thank you Jesus that you desire to spend eternity with us... and graciously chose the nails!
Blessings & love
sweet sister,
Kimmer :)
At 1:03 AM,
zephaniah3:17 said…
He is risen! There is no God like our God, no savior like our Jesus, no death anymore!
May your Easter be blessed, Gail.
At 5:58 PM,
Brigitte said…
Hello Gail. Hope you are feeling better.
There is something for you over at my blog. Go and have a look.
At 3:38 PM,
AngelConradie said…
At 5:15 AM,
david c welker said…
That is an incredible book. What a message. God bless !
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