Jesus, I come to the warmth of your Presence
knowing that You are
the very emptiness of God.
I come before You
holding the water jar of my life.
Your eyes meet mine
and I know what I'd rather not know.
I came to be filled
but I am already full.
I am too full.
This is my sickness
I am full of things
that crowd out
Your healing Presence.
A holy knowing steals inside my heart
and I see the painful truth.
I don't need more
I need less
I am too full.
I am full of things that block out
Your golden grace.
I am smothered by gods of my own creation
I am lost in the forest of my false self
I am full of my own opinions and narrow attitudes
full of fear, resentment, control
full of self pity, and arrogance.
Slowly this terrible truth pierces my heart,
I am so full, there is no room for You.
Contemplatively, and with compassion,
You ask me to reach into my water jar.
One by one, Jesus, you enable me
to lift out the things
that are a hindrance to my wholeness.
I take each on to my heart,
I hear You asking me
" Why is this so important to you ? "
Like the murmur of a gentle stream
I hear You calling,
" Let go, let go, let go! "
I pray with each obstacle
tasting the bitterness and grief
it has caused.
I sit with my empty water jar
I hear you whisper
You have become a space for God
Now there is hope
Now you are ready to be a channel of Life.
You have given up your own agenda
There is nothing left but God.
Macrina Wiederkehr OSB. ( Prayer inspired by John 4 : 28 )
Macrina Wiederkehr is one of my favourite writers. She has a marvellous web site which is well worth a visit.
Her writings seem to say so much about what goes on in one's heart. How often to we allow our lives to become cluttered with stuff? Even stuff that is important but is not the " best. " I am going to take some time today to "unclutter " my life. Won't you join me??
knowing that You are
the very emptiness of God.
I come before You
holding the water jar of my life.
Your eyes meet mine
and I know what I'd rather not know.
I came to be filled
but I am already full.
I am too full.
This is my sickness
I am full of things
that crowd out
Your healing Presence.
A holy knowing steals inside my heart
and I see the painful truth.
I don't need more
I need less
I am too full.
I am full of things that block out
Your golden grace.
I am smothered by gods of my own creation
I am lost in the forest of my false self
I am full of my own opinions and narrow attitudes
full of fear, resentment, control
full of self pity, and arrogance.
Slowly this terrible truth pierces my heart,
I am so full, there is no room for You.
Contemplatively, and with compassion,
You ask me to reach into my water jar.
One by one, Jesus, you enable me
to lift out the things
that are a hindrance to my wholeness.
I take each on to my heart,
I hear You asking me
" Why is this so important to you ? "
Like the murmur of a gentle stream
I hear You calling,
" Let go, let go, let go! "
I pray with each obstacle
tasting the bitterness and grief
it has caused.
I sit with my empty water jar
I hear you whisper
You have become a space for God
Now there is hope
Now you are ready to be a channel of Life.
You have given up your own agenda
There is nothing left but God.
Macrina Wiederkehr OSB. ( Prayer inspired by John 4 : 28 )
Macrina Wiederkehr is one of my favourite writers. She has a marvellous web site which is well worth a visit.
Her writings seem to say so much about what goes on in one's heart. How often to we allow our lives to become cluttered with stuff? Even stuff that is important but is not the " best. " I am going to take some time today to "unclutter " my life. Won't you join me??
At 4:19 PM,
Sunny said…
Wonderful poem, Blue! Thanks for posting it. I was thinking about "life clutter" the other day too, because there are so many electronic gadgets vying for our attention these days. I'm going to start spending more time doing Bible studies and less time watching TV.
At 12:38 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Gail,
I finally left you an email.
Just wanted to say thank you for this amazing poem. It meant so much because this is where I am right now - with a jar full of things that are not good. I want an empty jar.
At 4:22 AM,
Soul Reflections said…
Life gets in the way of faith, lots of times. He is right there with us, though, even when we don't feel.
At 3:36 AM,
Mrs. D said…
That was so beautiful. If you don't mind, I just might put it on my blog. I think it is a great message for this time of the year. We are so busy with things, things, things that we crowd Him out.
Oh, and guess what? I am going with a very special person to see Josh Groban in concert! God is good!
At 1:46 PM,
thanks for the kind words. i think im gonna hang on to the pic for a while and see what happens... i will make an annoucement if i decide to sell it though :) ohh, and have a GREAT time seeing 3d and tomlin... take lots of pix!!
At 6:01 PM,
Anonymous said…
Thank you for this wonderful poem. It just remind me all over again that I need to empty myself inorder to be fill again in HIM and by HIM.
At 9:27 PM,
gail said…
Sunny,good idea!!
Bunnygirl,you are heading in the right direction by the sound of things.
Derba,so true.
Jennifer, go ahead and use Macrina's poem. Enjoy Josh you lucky woman!!!
Tray, I plan to have a great time. I do need a decent camera though.
Longsuffering, isn't it great when we can empty ourselves knowing that He won't fail to fill us!!
At 7:28 AM,
AngelConradie said…
oh thats beautiful blue! thank you, its something i need to remind myself about much more often!
At 12:57 PM,
i was gonna go to passion... but its just not gonna work out this year. a good friend went last year... so i know you will have the most amazing time ever! and again... take lots of pix! haha
At 10:57 PM,
Anonymous said…
Wow. I think I ned to take my jar before Jesus too. My life has become very cluttered lately - it's amazing how quickly that happens...
At 3:16 AM,
david c welker said…
Hi Gail -
My son and I recently returned from the Amazon. We saw the Lord do some incredible things, it was also good to see some old friends and make new ones. I made a quick post, but will post more later.
Thank you so much for your prayers !
God bless,
At 9:29 AM,
gail said…
hi angel, i think she writes beautifully too.
Beth, welcoome to a good friend !!
Tray, we desperetely need a good camera. I think we'll get one for Passion.
Spookie, yes its easy to get life cluttered with stuff.
David, welcome back fron the Amazon!!!
At 2:03 PM,
Anonymous said…
hi blue it been so long. It has been a very hard summer for me. but all is well.
so ya are going to passion? I have signed on as volunteer have to wait for a leader to email me, am scared do not haver anyone to go with and really do not have the funds, pray if ya would.
it is great to see ya guys on the 268 blog I miss you and Kimmer!!
love ya ,Eliz
At 9:23 AM,
gail said…
Hi Eliz, Its good to see you. You've been missed. It is great that you are volunteering for Atlanta.People say that the experince is awesome so .I hope that you do not worry too much about going.
I will pray that things come together for your finances.
love blue
At 4:24 AM,
Anonymous said…
Gail sorry for the slow reply I was waitng for ya over on my blog, hee!!
yeah do not think I will be able to go?? I have not heard back from them since I sent in my applicatrion?? but just being on their page and interacting with the 28 days of prayer has helped. the winter months seem to be a good time for me to get organized and have time to be on here. I miss you so much!! pray that I will get alot of clients in my business Housecleaning and so on. this summer has been hard I think I told ya, been sick and God has really been teaching me so much i prayed in July for Him to do what ever it took to get my attention and did He ever!! I love Him so much!! come to mine girly and we will stay in touch!!
At 2:09 PM,
Anonymous said…
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At 8:42 PM,
gail said…
eliz said...
Hi down under lady!! yep I did read it you have had yourself planned for this for a while!!!
Me I just though about it for awhile but this thanksgiving I put in my application. though I do not think it will work but who knows? I do not have funds, am scared to go by myself to a strange state and stuff, you will be flying with Roman at leaste right?? way to go girl!! to bad they will not have one next year. but I am bless for being a part of it thru the internet at leaste and Louies prayer blog. God has really blessed and grown me thru these guys my word!!!
2:09 PM
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