To those who have been wondering where I was and how I was, I am alright and I haven't disappeared anywhere. Thank you for your concern. I must admit that I have just been lazy!!! I haven't been extremley busy as I had thought I might tell you. No, it has been merely pure laziness on my part!!!
Now today we are not going to be reading some wonderful words of a worship song or some writing that inspired me. We are going for something completely different. Showing another side of me!!!
Note the little blue icon on the right. Take time to read it. It says " I'm headed to Atlanta for Passion ' 07 " This is not merely an advert for the Passion Movement.(check 268 generation link .) I really am heading to Atlanta for Passion ' 07!!! This is no small venture as you will probably know that I live in Melbourne, Australia and Atlanta is on the other side of the world.
What prompted this? I bought Matt Redman's D.V.D. "Facedown" about two years ago and I absolutley loved his worship style. There were some talks on it by Louie Giglio and I was impressed with him. He heads up Passion. I looked up their web site and saw the work that they were doing with univerity students and since my son is one I became interested in the movement. They were approaching the Passion ' 06 conference in Nashville and were doing a prayer journey daily heading towards it on their blog. I followed that and prayed with them for the young people. 18,000 college students gathered to worship Jesus and be taught by Louie, John Piper and Beth Moore in Nashville this past January. At the end of the conference they announced that there would be a Passion ' 07 ( there has not been a Passion each year ) and that was advertised on their blog. In some crazy moment I asked Rowan "do you want to go to Atlanta for Passion ' 07?" What 21 year old is going to knock back an all expenses paid trip to the other side of the world????
There you are. I am headed to Altanta for Passion ' 07. I am going as a volunteer to work on the Student Prayer Journey which is a reflective journey of about ten stages that takes a student around an hour to complete. I will be there as part of the prayer team to talk and pray with those who want to. Rowan and I are really looking forward to going and being part of this. On my links you will see Matt Redman, Chris Tomlin, David Crowder Band and Charlie Hall. These guys are the lead worshippers. So with the speakers they have and the lead worshippers it should be an excellent time spiritually for the expected 25,000 college students hitting Atlanta next January.
( Not to mention heaps of fun with new friends!!! )
Now today we are not going to be reading some wonderful words of a worship song or some writing that inspired me. We are going for something completely different. Showing another side of me!!!
Note the little blue icon on the right. Take time to read it. It says " I'm headed to Atlanta for Passion ' 07 " This is not merely an advert for the Passion Movement.(check 268 generation link .) I really am heading to Atlanta for Passion ' 07!!! This is no small venture as you will probably know that I live in Melbourne, Australia and Atlanta is on the other side of the world.
What prompted this? I bought Matt Redman's D.V.D. "Facedown" about two years ago and I absolutley loved his worship style. There were some talks on it by Louie Giglio and I was impressed with him. He heads up Passion. I looked up their web site and saw the work that they were doing with univerity students and since my son is one I became interested in the movement. They were approaching the Passion ' 06 conference in Nashville and were doing a prayer journey daily heading towards it on their blog. I followed that and prayed with them for the young people. 18,000 college students gathered to worship Jesus and be taught by Louie, John Piper and Beth Moore in Nashville this past January. At the end of the conference they announced that there would be a Passion ' 07 ( there has not been a Passion each year ) and that was advertised on their blog. In some crazy moment I asked Rowan "do you want to go to Atlanta for Passion ' 07?" What 21 year old is going to knock back an all expenses paid trip to the other side of the world????
There you are. I am headed to Altanta for Passion ' 07. I am going as a volunteer to work on the Student Prayer Journey which is a reflective journey of about ten stages that takes a student around an hour to complete. I will be there as part of the prayer team to talk and pray with those who want to. Rowan and I are really looking forward to going and being part of this. On my links you will see Matt Redman, Chris Tomlin, David Crowder Band and Charlie Hall. These guys are the lead worshippers. So with the speakers they have and the lead worshippers it should be an excellent time spiritually for the expected 25,000 college students hitting Atlanta next January.
( Not to mention heaps of fun with new friends!!! )
At 6:00 AM,
FanofGOD said…
Hey Gail
Thanks for the post!!!And the kind words!!That is such a blessing and awesome thing that you are going to passion!!I am praying for Passion that God will work in all those hearts!!: ) I am dreaming of the day I can go!I just get so excited to see what God is doing and I want to be apart of it!!I have such a desire for Him it's really hard to contain my Joy in Him~!!He is such an amazing God!!!
I mean some days I just sit and think about all he is all he does and he is even much more than I even know!!Hope you have an amazing experience at Passion tell me all about it!!!Ya and I agree with you about the E.G DVD I get chills when I watch it it's so amazing!!!
That is so cool you live in Australia!!I really want to go to Australia someday!!I am sure it's really beautiful there!!
Glad you like the pictures I posted haha I usually don't have a blog but I was just so excited how the picture came out that I wanted to post it!!I mean you should have seen me I showed my sister my mom I was like look how good this came out hahaha!!!Ya I get excited about things!!!Chris is such a great example!!And his music has really honestlt brought me to a deeper understanding of what true Worship is it's about the heart!!He really has impacted me.And I truly respect him!He is huge a example to me!
Well got to go
Talk to you soon
God Bless You
At 9:40 AM,
AngelConradie said…
wow gail!
that's fantastic- what an amazing mission to look forward to!
At 2:20 PM,
Mrs. D said…
Fantastic Gail! I hope you are blessed beyond measure!
On a side note...we really MUST catch up with one another! :D
At 2:54 PM,
Carolanne said…
Glad you're OK and doing well.
The trip to Atlanta sounds very exciting and I know you'll have a fantastic time!!!!
At 12:31 PM,
Kimmer said…
love the blue icon :D
Yes I'm definitely praying for Rowan and others God would have attend, that He will use Passion 07 in a life changing awesome way for each one of them
blessings friend~
Kimmer :)
At 4:32 PM,
gail said…
September 11th 2006.
Steve Irwin.
Peter Brock.
September 11th 2001.
"Teach us how short our life is,so that we may become wise " Psalm 90:12
At 5:26 PM,
Brigitte said…
WOW - that sounds absolutely amazing!! I would LOVE to go. It would surely be something worth experienceing.
At 9:54 PM,
gail said…
Hi FoG. Keep on loving God.
Angel and Caroleanne, yes it is going to be awesome. Can't wait.
Jennifer, we will catch up this week.
Kimmer, I'll disclose to the world that you actually put up the famous blue icon and links for me!!!
Hi Spookie, look out for another e-mail soon!!!
Forhisrenown,I'll definitely be praying for direction for you.Enjoy anticipating Passion 07
At 10:22 PM,
zephaniah3:17 said…
Hello friend! Stopping by to say I've been praying for you and Rowan even though I've been scarce on the internet lately. I have so much going on that I've had to be disciplined about my computer/email time.
I hope that your busy visit to Atlanta can include a little time for us to get together for a coffee and some prayer!
You've been a blessing to me. May you be blessed as you live for Him today.
At 10:40 PM,
gail said…
Hi Lisa, We'll be in Atlanta from Dec. 29th to Jan 8th, so I think that there will be plenty time for that coffee!!! We'll be at the Omni.
At 11:02 PM,
Kimmer said…
So glad for your excitment about P07 and stirring up people to pray about it; wonderful :)
will continue doing so, also considering Louie's latest post asking for prayer covering for the passion team and their families
icon and link? I'm not sure what you mean... heeheehee; no biggie or need for props, just kdg you dear :) it was fun!
blessings friend!
Kimmer :)
At 12:17 AM,
Sunny said…
Hey Blue! I'm anxious to hear about your adventures in America when you post about them next January.
I'm happily anticipating my own adventures coming up here in a couple of weeks! I was talking to a lady at work yesterday and she was telling me about a bumper sticker that says, "if you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans."
I like that!
At 6:52 AM,
Diane Viere said…
How cool! I can't wait to hear all about the event! And what an amazing event! I guess if you can attend from Australia......anyone could make this happen! How fantastic that you are going!
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