I am finding it exceptionally difficult to put into words what I did at Passion and how I experienced it.I can begin by saying that I served on the student prayer journey "Kneel " with about twelve beautiful people who really worked as a team and affirmed each other.There were two parts to "Kneel " One was "Journey " the other "Pure Grace. " " Journey " was eleven stations of guided meditation, where the students were asked to still their heart, confess any sins, and then lead to pray for their campus, church, city, country, leaders , nations etc. That took about an hour to do. There wasn't much interaction with the students there apart from welcoming them in and smiling as they left.We prayed over them silently as they undertook their prayer journey. We made sure that the candles were lit and that there was space for them to enter as well as keeping the place tidy.
The other part was " Pure Grace " which was amazing. In a large hall with darkened lights stood a cross. There were beautiful candles around it and two spotlights on it which shone the shadow of it on the roof. Cushions and rugs were on the floor. Students tended to enter, sit or immediately go "facedown ' and spend a long time generally working through things in their life with Jesus. I was totally humbled while in this room and the presence of the Holy Spirit was almost tangible here. I watched as young people wrestled with God, some physically shaking their fists and agonising. Saw a great many reduced to tears before Jesus and then lie utterly surrendered at the foot of the cross. I'd wait until I saw that things had quietened down inside them and then go and offer to pray for them.
How do you convey to anyone that the highlight of a trip to the other side of the world was being "facedown ' on the floor listening and praying with a young person as they completely surrendered their life to the Lordship of Jesus ? Words just can't convey such deep emotion.I was left speechless at what I saw the Lord Jesus doing there. I was honoured to serve, and humbled completely by His Pure Grace.